
This section delves into more advanced usage of Tarantella with the help of state-of-the-art models for two widely-used applications in Deep Learning:

  • Image classification: ResNet-50

  • Machine translation: Transformer

The models shown here are adapted from the TensorFlow Model Garden. While the model implementations and hyperparameters are unchanged to preserve compatibility with the TensorFlow official models, we provide simplified training schemes that allow for a seamless transition from basic serial training to distributed data parallelism using Tarantella.


The tutorial models can be downloaded from the Tnt Models repository.

cd /your/models/path
git clone https://github.com/cc-hpc-itwm/tarantella_models

cd tarantella_models/src
export TNT_MODELS_PATH=`pwd`

To use these models, install the the following dependencies:

  • TensorFlow 2.7

  • Tarantella 0.8.0

For a step-by-step installation, follow the Installation guide. In the following we will assume that TensorFlow was installed in a conda environment called tarantella.

Now we can install the final dependency, TensorFlow official Model Garden:

conda activate tarantella
pip install tf-models-official==2.7


Deep Residual Networks (ResNets) represented a breakthrough in the field of computer vision, enabling deeper and more complex deep convolutional networks. Introduced in [He], ResNet-50 has become a standard model for image classification tasks, and has been shown to scale to very large number of nodes in data parallel training [Goyal].

Run Resnet-50 with Tarantella

Before running the model, we need to add it to the existing PYTHONPATH.


Furthermore, the ImageNet dataset needs to be installed and available on all the nodes that we want to use for training. TensorFlow provides convenience scripts to download datasets, in their datasets package that is installed as a dependency for the TensorFlow Model Garden. Install ImageNet to your local machine as described here.

export TNT_DATASETS_PATH=/path/to/downloaded/datasets

python -m tensorflow_datasets.scripts.download_and_prepare \
--datasets=imagenet2012 --data_dir=${TNT_DATASETS_PATH}

Let’s assume we have access to two nodes (saved in hostfile) equipped with 4 GPUs each. We can now simply run the ResNet-50 as follows:

tarantella --hostfile ./hostfile --devices-per-node 4 \
-- ${TNT_MODELS_PATH}/models/resnet/resnet50_tnt.py --data_dir=${TNT_DATASETS_PATH} \
                                                    --batch_size=512 \
                                                    --train_epochs=90 \

The above command will train a ResNet-50 models on the 8 devices available in parallel for 90 epochs, as suggested in [Goyal] to achieve convergence. The --epochs_between_evals parameter specifies the frequency of evaluations of the validation dataset performed in between training epochs.

Note the --batch_size parameter, which specifies the global batch size used in training.

Implementation overview

We will now look closer into the implementation of the ResNet-50 training scheme. The main training steps reside in the models/resnet/resnet50_tnt.py file.

The most important step in enabling data parallelism with Tarantella is to wrap the Keras model:

model = resnet_model.resnet50(num_classes = imagenet_preprocessing.NUM_CLASSES)
model = tnt.Model(model)

Next, the training procedure can simply be written down as it would be for a standard, TensorFlow-only model. No further changes are required to train the model in a distributed manner.

In particular, the ImageNet dataset is loaded and preprocessed as follows:

train_dataset = imagenet_preprocessing.input_fn(is_training = True,
                                                data_dir = flags_obj.data_dir,
                                                batch_size = flags_obj.batch_size,
                                                shuffle_seed = 42,
                                                drop_remainder = True)

The imagenet_preprocessing.input_fn function reads the input files in data_dir, loads the training samples, and processes them into TensorFlow datasets.

The user only needs to pass the global batch_size value, and the Tarantella framework will ensure that the dataset is properly distributed among devices, such that:

  • each device will process an independent set of samples

  • each device will group the samples into micro batches, where the micro-batch size will be roughly equal to batch_size / num_devices. If the batch size is not a multiple of the number of ranks, the remainder samples will be equally distributed among the participating ranks, such that some ranks will use a micro-batch of (batch_size / num_devices) + 1.

  • each device will apply the same set of transformations to its input samples as specified in the input_fn function.

The advantage of using the automatic dataset distribution mechanism of Tarantella is that users can reason about their I/O pipeline without taking care of the details about how to distribute it. To disable the automatic dataset distribution and ensure each rank will use the same micro-batch size equal to batch_size / num_devices, run the code with the following flag: --auto_distributed=False. Make sure the provided batch_size is a multiple of the number of ranks in this case.

Before starting the training, the model is compiled using a standard Keras optimizer and loss.

model.compile(optimizer = optimizer,
              loss = 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy',
              metrics = (['sparse_categorical_accuracy']))

We provide flags to enable the most commonly used Keras callbacks, such as the TensorBoard profiler, which can simply be passed to the fit function of the Tarantella model.

callbacks.append(tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir = flags_obj.model_dir,
                                                profile_batch = 2))

If model checkpointing is required, it can be enabled through the ModelCheckpoint callback as usual (cf. checkpointing models with Tarantella).

callbacks.append(tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(ckpt_full_path, save_weights_only=True))

There is no need for any further changes to proceed with distributed training:

history = model.fit(train_dataset,
                    epochs = flags_obj.train_epochs,
                    callbacks = callbacks,
                    validation_data = validation_dataset,
                    validation_freq = flags_obj.epochs_between_evals,
                    verbose = 1)

Advanced topics

Scaling the batch size

Increasing the batch size provides a simple means to achieve significant training time speed-ups, as it leads to perfect scaling with respect to the steps required to achieve the target accuracy (up to some dataset- and model- dependent critical size, after which further increasing the batch size only leads to diminishing returns) [Shallue].

This observation, together with the fact that small local batch sizes decrease the efficiency of DNN operators, represent the basis for a standard technique in data parallelism: using a fixed micro batch size and scaling the global batch size with the number of devices.

Tarantella provides multiple mechanisms to set the batch size, as presented in the Quick Start guide.

In the case of ResNet-50, we specify the global batch size as a command line parameter, and let the framework divide the dataset into microbatches.

Scaling the learning rate

To be able to reach the same target accuracy when scaling the global batch size up, other hyperparameters need to be carefully tuned [Shallue]. In particular, adjusting the learning rate is essential for achieving convergence at large batch sizes. [Goyal] proposes to scale the learning rate up linearly with the batch size (and thus with the number of devices).

The scaled-up learning rate is set up at the begining of training, after which the learning rate evolves over the training steps based on a so-called learning rate schedule.

In our ResNet-50 example, we use the PiecewiseConstantDecayWithWarmup schedule provided by the TensorFlow Models implementation, which is similar to the schedule introduced by [Goyal]. When training starts, the learning rate is initialized to a large value that allows to explore more of the search space. The learning rate will then monotonically decay the closer the algorithm gets to convergence.

The initial learning rate here is scaled up by a factor computed as:

self.rescaled_lr = BASE_LEARNING_RATE * batch_size / base_lr_batch_size

Here batch_size is the global batch size and base_lr_batch_size is the predefined batch size (set to 256) that corresponds to single-device training. This effectively scales the BASE_LEARNING_RATE linearly with the number of devices used.

Learning rate warm-up

Whereas scaling up the learning rate with the batch size is necessary, a large learning rate might degrade the stability of the optimization algorithm, especially in early training. A technique to mitigate this limitation is to warm-up the learning rate during the first epochs, particularly when using large batches [Goyal].

In our ResNet-50 example, the PiecewiseConstantDecayWithWarmup schedule starts with a small value for the learning rate, which then increases at every step (i.e., iteration), for a number of initial warmup_steps.

The warmup_steps value defaults to the number of iterations of the first five epochs, matching the schedule proposed by [Goyal]. After the warmup_steps are done, the learning rate value should reach the scaled initial learning rate introduced above.

def warmup_lr(step):
  return self.rescaled_lr * (
      tf.cast(step, tf.float32) / tf.cast(self.warmup_steps, tf.float32))


The Transformer is a Deep Neural Network widely used in the field of natural language processing (NLP), in particular for tasks such as machine translation. It was first proposed by [Vaswani].

Run the Transformer with Tarantella

The Tranformer training scheme can be found here, and has to be added to the existing PYTHONPATH:

export PYTHONPATH=${TNT_MODELS_PATH}/models/transformer:${PYTHONPATH}

We will follow the training procedure presented in [Vaswani], where the authors show results for training the big variant of the Transformer model on a machine translation dataset called WMT14.

To install the dataset, we will use the Tensorflow datasets package, which should have been already installed in your conda environment as a dependency for the TensorFlow Model Garden, and download the English-German dataset to match the results by [Vaswani]. Detailed instructions on how to obtain the dataset are provided in the TensorFlow documentation.

Now we can start training. Once again, let’s assume we have access to two nodes (specified in hostfile) equipped with 4 GPUs each.

export WMT14_PATH=/path/to/the/installed/dataset

tarantella --hostfile ./hostfile --devices-per-node 4 \
-- ${TNT_MODELS_PATH}/models/transformer/transformer_tnt.py \
                     --data_dir=${WMT14_PATH} \
                     --vocab_file=${WMT14_PATH}/vocab.ende.32768 \
                     --bleu_ref=${WMT14_PATH}/newstest2014.de \
                     --bleu_source=${WMT14_PATH}/newstest2014.en \
                     --param_set=big \
                     --train_epochs=30 \
                     --epochs_between_evals=30 \

The above command will select the big model implementation and train it on the 8 specified devices in a distributed fashion. To reach the target accuracy, [Vaswani] specifies that the model needs to be trained for 30 epochs.

The Transformer requires access to a vocabulary file, which contains all the tokens derived from the dataset. This is provided as the vocab_file parameter and is part of the pre-processed dataset.

After training, one round of evaluation is conducted using the newstest2014 dataset to translate English sentences into German. The frequency of evaluation rounds can be changed by updating the epochs_between_evals parameter.

Implementation overview

The Transformer model itself is implemented and imported from the TensorFlow Model Garden. The training procedure and dataset loading and pre-processing do not require extensive changes to work with Tarantella. However, we provide a simplified version to highlight the usage of Tarantella with Keras training loops.

Thus, the Keras transformer model is created in TransformerTntTask class. Two different versions of the model are used, one for training (wrapped into a Tarantella model), and one for inference (serial Keras model).

self.train_model = create_model(internal_model, self.params, is_train = True)
# Enable distributed training
self.train_model = tnt.Model(self.train_model)

# The inference model is wrapped as a different Keras model that does not use labels
self.predict_model = create_model(internal_model, self.params, is_train = False)

To illustrate alternatives in the use of Tarantella, we distribute the data manually here, data_pipeline.py file, as explained in the manually-distributed datasets section. Alternatively, automatic dataset distribution could be used, as explained in the Quick Start.

To be able to manually split the dataset across ranks, we need access to rank IDs and the total number of ranks, which are then passed to the IO pipeline.

The Advanced Topics section explains the API Tarantella exposes to access ranks.

train_ds = data_pipeline.train_input_fn(self.params,
                                        shuffle_seed = 42,
                                        num_ranks = tnt.get_size(),
                                        rank = tnt.get_rank())

Here, the data_pipeline.train_input_fn reads in the dataset and applies a series of transformations to convert it into a batched set of sentences.

Next, the user can also create callbacks, which can then be simply passed on to the training function.


Finally, we can call model.fit to start distributed training on all devices:

history = model.fit(train_ds,
                    tnt_distribute_dataset = False,

In the following sections we will show how we modify the fit loop to allow for a customized evaluation of the trained model.

Important points

Customized behavior based on rank

Although all ranks participating in data parallel training use identical replicas of the same model and make progress in sync, there are cases when certain tasks should be executed on a specific rank (or group or ranks). To this end, Tarantella provides a number of functions to identify the rank ID and allow users to add customized behavior based on rank, as decribed in this section.

In the case of the Transformer model, we want to use the rank information to perform several tasks:

  • print logging messages

if tnt.is_master_rank():
  logging.info("Start train")
  • distribute datasets manually among participating devices

  • execute other models, such as a modified, serial version of the Tarantella model for inference

  • enable certain callbacks only on one rank (e.g., profiling callbacks)

if self.flags_obj.enable_time_history:
  time_callback = keras_utils.TimeHistory(self.params["batch_size"],
                                          logdir = None)
  tnt_time_callback = tnt.keras.callbacks.Callback(time_callback,
                                                   aggregate_logs = False,
                                                   run_on_all_ranks = False)

Such callbacks only collect local data corresponding to the specific rank where they are executed. In this example, the TimeHistory callback will measure timings only on the master_rank. While iteration and epoch runtimes should be the same on all ranks (as all ranks train in sync), other metrics such as accuracy will only be computed based on the local data available to the rank.

A callback that should be executed on a single rank has to be wrapped within a tnt.keras.callbacks.Callback, to explicitely disable distributed execution (as described in the callbacks guide).

Using manually-distributed datasets

Typically, it is the task of the framework to automatically handle batched datasets, such that each rank only processes its share of the data, as explained in the Quick Start guide.

However, there are complex scenarios when the user might prefer to manually build the dataset slices corresponding to each rank. Tarantella allows the user to disable the automatic distribution mechanism by passing tnt_distribute_dataset = False to the model.fit function.

This is how it is done in the case of the Transformer:

history = self.train_model.fit(train_ds,
                               callbacks = callbacks,
                               tnt_distribute_dataset = False,
                               initial_epoch = epoch,
                               epochs = epoch + min(self.params["epochs_between_evals"],
                               verbose = 2)

Also note the use of initial_epoch and epochs. This combination of parameters is necessary to allow evaluation rounds in between training epochs, when a validation dataset cannot be simply passed to model.fit. In particular, our transformer implementation features a different model for inference, as described below.

Now that automatic distribution is disabled, let us take a look at how to split the dataset manually among devices. The input data processing is implemented in data_pipeline.py.

In the case of the Transformer model, the global batch_size stands for the total number of input tokens processed in a single iteration. However, as the training is performed in (fixed-sized) sentences, our global batch_size used for training will be in fact the number of sentences comprised in such a batch.

Furthermore, we need to divide the number of sentences across ranks, such that each rank can work on a separated shard of micro_batch_size sentences. Finally, the dataset itself needs to be batched using the micro_batch_size and each device instructed to select its own shard:

number_batch_sentences = batch_size // max_length

micro_batch_size = number_batch_sentences // num_ranks

# Batch the sentences and select only the shard (subset)
# corresponding to the current rank
dataset = dataset.padded_batch(micro_batch_size,
                               ([max_length], [max_length]),
dataset = dataset.shard(num_ranks, rank)

Mixing Keras and Tarantella models

An essential aspect of the Transformer model is that it operates on slightly different model versions during training and inference. While in training the model works on encoded tokens, inference requires translation to and from plain text. Thus, the model needs to use modified input and output layers for each of these tasks.

To illustrate the way a Tarantella model can work alongside a typical Keras model, we only execute the training phase on the Transformer within a (distributed) Tarantella model.

Take a look at the model creation function. It builds two different Keras models depending on whether training is enabled or not, both of them based on the same internal model (i.e., using the same learned weights).

Now, when initializing our Transformer task, we only wrap one of the models as a tnt.Model:

# Transformer model used both as Tarantella model (in training) and as a serial
# model for inference
internal_model = transformer.Transformer(self.params, name="transformer_v2")

# The train model includes an additional logits layer and a customized loss
self.train_model = create_model(internal_model, self.params, is_train = True)
# Enable distributed training
self.train_model = tnt.Model(self.train_model)

# The inference model is wrapped as a different Keras model that does not use labels
self.predict_model = create_model(internal_model, self.params, is_train = False)

Training can now proceed as usual, by only calling the fit method on our train_model. We can however design our training loop to stop every epochs_between_evals epochs, evaluate the training accuracy using the serial predict_model, and then continue from where it left off.

for epoch in range(0, self.params["train_epochs"], self.params["epochs_between_evals"]):
  # as our dataset is distributed manually, disable the automatic Tarantella distribution
  history = self.train_model.fit(train_ds,
                                 callbacks = callbacks,
                                 tnt_distribute_dataset = False,
                                 initial_epoch = epoch,
                                 epochs = epoch + min(self.params["epochs_between_evals"],
                                 verbose = 2)

  if tnt.is_master_rank():
    eval_stats = self.eval()

The self.eval() method performs the translation on the test dataset using the standard Keras predict_model.

def eval(self):
  uncased_score, cased_score = transformer_main.evaluate_and_log_bleu(

A validation dataset can be provided in the form of a pair of input files specified at the command line as bleu_source and bleu_ref. If the validation dataset exists, the evaluation method will compute and log the corresponding BLEU scores (both case-sensitive and case-insensitive) serially.